Stockton Lake
Located 7km east of Collie township on the Collie-Darkan Road, Stockton Lake is another bush camping and swimming area. Stockton was originally an open cut coal mine, but has long …

Potter’s Gorge
Situated on the shores of Wellington Dam, in a shady forest setting, is Potters Gorge with good views across the back waters of the Dam. The campground has been upgraded …

Glen Mervyn Dam
Glen Mervyn Dam is 18km south of Collie and is a popular waterskiing, swimming and fishing spot. Camping is permitted on the western shore of the dam where a toilet …
The Department of Parks and Wildlife has issued a cautionary notice on the low water levels at Stockton Lake and potential issues pertaining to those levels: Water Flow: The amount …

Lake Kepwari
The lake is located within the south-west region of Western Australia, 15km south east of Collie. The name Lake Kepwari comes from local Willman language “Kepwari” meaning “ playing in …