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Pregnancy, Birth and Baby helpline

What happens when you call the helpline?

When contacting the Pregnancy, Birth and Baby telephone service, a caller can initially expect to hear a recorded message:

  • outlining services parameters
  • directing callers to contact emergency services where appropriate
  • stating all calls are recorded for training and coaching purposes
  • advising that facilities are available to turn off call recordings and/or for callers to remain anonymous.
  • providing information on the privacy policy.

The call will then be placed in a queue for the first available maternal child health nurse (MCHN) to answer. Once answered, the MCHN will:

  • obtain information to start a confidential record of the call. It should be noted that even when a caller wishes to remain anonymous, it is hoped age, postcode and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage will be provided
  • discuss the needs of the caller
  • provide information, advice, guidance, reassurance and referrals

For information on what to expect when using the video call service, visit the Pregnancy, Birth and Baby video call page.

Translating and Interpreting Service

Phone: 131 450 (available 24 hours/7 days).



1800 882 436

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